The school has been selected by NITI Aayog, Government of India, to set up the Atal Tinkering Lab (ATL) under the aegies of Atal Innovation Mission.The primary goal of ATL is to foster the spirit of experimentation leading to ingenuity and creativity in young minds. The setting of the lab will significantly enhance the impact of the STEM Programme of the school which aims at honing the research and analytical skills of the students in adition to promoting pure science learning in higher education.

ATL is a work space where young minds can give shape to their ideas through hands on do-it yourself mode and learn innovation skills using kits and equipments in science, electronics, robotics, open source microcontroller interfaces, sensors, 3D printers, 3D projector and computers. ATL conducts avariety of activities ranging from training sessions, exhibitions, workshops for teachers and students, design and fabrication of products, lecture series etc. The ATL aims to equip the learners to solve global problems with their unique perspectives.