Shaheed Mahashay Rajpal started his career early in life as a scribe in the first decade of the last century. He rose to be a writer and publisher of repute. He had the good fortune of working under the towering personalities of eminent leaders of Arya Samaj Swami Shraddhanand and Mahashay Krishna both great editors and orators.
He was quick to absorb the best virtues from them and became a trusted lifelong lieutenant of them. After spending the early years of his life as a correspondent, he switched over to publishing books shortly. During 1915 to 1929 when the first World War took place, the Jalianwala Bagh massacre happened and the country was riding on a wave of patriotism and renaissance. He made his mark and reached the zenith of his career as a leading publisher of Punjab. During the pre-independence era, especially the first quarter of the century (1900-1925) there emerged in India a band of one man publishing houses, fired with a zeal for social and political reform. To start with Rajpal's was a one man publishing house.
He published more than 200 books in Hindi, Urdu and English, the major languages of the time on various subjects. He was pioneer publisher who put into practice the high norms of publishing books. Many of his publications had to go through test of blood and tears. Few of his books were proscribed and forfeited and fines were imposed for his daring to publish something which would not go well with the British or with intolerant religious fanatics. For four long years he was embroiled in a court caseThe State vs Rajpal. During the proceedings of which he was even sent to jail for a day. He was assassinated on 6th April, 1929.
He was indeed a martyr to the cause of his own creed and convictions. He was murdered by a misguided Muslim though he was not anti-Muslim. He was actually a peace-loving man with respect for all other religions and had a large number of friends among Muslims. Martyrdom of Rajpal has acquired a historical significance for more reasons than one. It was the first case of its kind on the issue of Freedom of Expression which went on for four long years to be ultimately decided by the Punjab High Court in his favour. Almost seventy years after his Martyrdom, Mahashay Rajpal was posthumously honoured with the first ever International Freedom to Publish Award at a glittering function by the Deputy Prime Minister of India, Shri L.K.Advani. A belated but a well deserved recognition and honour.