Appropriate and congenial environment for developing Life skills is being provided as it is the most significant and positive input to the holistic development and emotional intelligence of the learners. Following activities are being conducted for the development of Life-Skills.
Class discussions
Demonstration and guided practice
Role plays
Audio and visual activities, e.g., arts, music, theatre, dance
Educational games and simulations
Story telling
Decision mapping or problem trees
Our school has pioneered a team of 6 peer educators for the promotion of life skills. They lead the team of 30 selected children. These peer educators of our school have been attending the seminars conducted by Expressions India in which the following points were discussed:
Substance Abuse
Family Bonding
Developing Positive Temperament
Different Approaches Towards Good Health
Inculcating Moral Values
Regular sessions are held in order to make students aware of different life skills. Many activities are being introduced in the curriculum which brings out the creative thinking skills of the students. We even present skills in school assembly on topics such as:
I am the citizen of tomorrow
Time management
Teenage aggression
Value system in family
Peer pressure
Stress management
Respect for elders
Environment conscious citizen
Discipline is the key to success
Empathy for under privileged
Courtesy politeness and kindness are the hallmarks of personality.
During the activity period and whenever our peer educators get free time, they perform the skits in each of the classes to spread the message among all the students. This helps in creating.